8.30.2000 Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter resolutions, including opposition to any "exclusive dog run areas" in EBRPD, any access to Crown Beach, Alameda, by people with dogs; and size of the proposed off-leash area at Cesar Chavez Park, Berkeley. (The proposed OLA was 20 acres. Sierra Club wanted it to be no more than 10 to 12 acres.)
8.1.2002 letter from Norman La Force to EBRPD. On pages 4 and 5, he asks that off leash dogs be banned from every part of Eastshore State Park except Point Isabel and North Point Isabel, and that if a meaningful enforcement plan cannot be put in place then all dogs (leashed and off-leash both) should be prohibited in the "Brickyard, Meadow, Bulb, Neck, Beach, Plateau and Trail by Hoffman Marsh."
2001 Sierra Club "Conservation and Habitat Restoration Plan" for Eastshore State Park. (Also published in the names of Citizens for Eastshore Park, Golden Gate Audubon Society, and Save the Bay.) The plan allowed off-leash dogs in the OLA at Cesar Chavez Park and on Point Isabel proper. Existing off-leash recreation on North Point Isabel would have been eliminated.
9.17.2002 letter to California State Parks on Citizens for Eastshore Park letterhead, signed by Robert Cheasty for CESP; Norman La Force for Sierra Club; Sylvia McLaughlin for Save the Bay; and Arthur Feinstein for Golden Gate Audubon Society. On page 2, the letter makes explicit who was responsible for continued off-leash recreation on North Point Isabel: "Dog advocates seek expansion to North Point Isabel, a proposal adopted by the Planning Team."
10.15.2001 letter from Norman La Force to EBRPD requesting pre-emptive signage (before Eastshore State Park had even been created) on North Point Isabel to prohibit off-leash recreation.
11.1.2001 letter from EBRPD to Norman La Force, declining to preemptively post signs banning off-leash dog walking before the Eastshore State Park Planning process has been completed.
SPRAWLDEF vs. EBRPD lawsuit, filed Nov 26, 2013, re: impact of dogs on Albany Beach. (Norman La Force is the founder and CEO of SPRAWLDEF.) The document is replete with complaints about off-leash dogs, but one on page 3 seems particularly unusual coming from the person who supposedly "doubled the Point Isabel Dog Park" (italics added by ebdogs): "The Point Isabel area of the park, already overrun by dogs without leashes, was designated for lesser protection as a 'recreation area,' lacking the natural resources of the 'conservation area.'"
3.26.2002 letter from Norman La Force to Eastshore State Park planners critiquing the Preferred Park Concept presented at Regional Park Workshop #3 on March 21, 2002. La Force conveyed his disappointment that off-leash recreation was to be allowed on North Point Isabel.
The first issue of Richmond Community News, published September 2020 and mailed to all households in Richmond, reiterated the false narrative about North Point Isabel, as did the La Force campaign website, flyers, and Facebook ads.
Undated comments in August 2002 from Norman La Force regarding the Eastshore State Park Draft Environmental Impact Report. Park planners had rejected the Maximum Conservation alternative, saying that it would allow visitors to observe the park but not experience it. La Force responded furiously, saying that that was a "value judgment" and that observation is an experience. On page 13, he argues (incorrectly) that allowing off-leash recreation on North Point Isabel would be an expansion of that activity and that the DEIR had not taken that into account. (Park planners later corrected him. They were authorizing an existing activity to continue, not expanding that usage.